Monday 16 May 2016

Mix It Up Monday: 50 colour combinations using 2016-18 In Colors

Sit yourself down with a cup of tea because it’s that time of year again. The time to wave a fond farewell to five beloved friends, welcome in some new chums and see how they rub along with the rest of the gang. 

The new folks may take a little time to get to know, but I’m sure they’ll soon become as well loved as our good pals Mossy Meadow, Lost Lagoon, Blackberry Bliss and the other two. Sorry, that was a bit harsh on Hello Honey (although I prefer the dirtier shade of Delightful Dijon) but I can’t say I’ll be sorry to see the back of Tangelo Twist, can you?

But while they’re busy packing their bags and getting ready for the off, we can start preparing the the guest rooms for our five new visitors. They’ll be sticking around for the next two years so we’d better get used to them!

So it is my great pleasure to introduce you to… 

Dapper Denim: a casual chap, who will rub along happily with just about everyone. I think we’re going to get on just fine and we’ll be enjoying lots of outings together.

Emerald Envy: a slightly snooty lady, who is a little fussy about the company she keeps (but not as difficult to get along with as Cucumber Crush). 

Flirty Flamingo: the clue is in the name, this lady ain’t fussy. She’s like the old Martini ad: “any time, any place, any where”. Yep, she’s a tart, but I’m sure you’ll love her!

Peekaboo Peach: Seriously, who saddled this poor girl with that name? Stampin’ Up!® didn’t think of us demonstrators at all, did they? It’s like calling your cat “Bumfluff” and then burning with shame as it’s called across a packed vets’ waiting room. Anyway, despite her unfortunate name, Peekaboo Peach is definitely not as coy as she sounds. She’s remarkably versatile and will turn her hand to anything.

Sweet Sugarplum: I’m not sure I’m going to get on with this little lady. She may be all pretty pretty,  nicey nicey, but I have a feeling there’s a sting in her tail. You know the sort; a bit too smiley to be sincere? Anyway, I’m reserving judgment until I’ve had more experience of her. 

So far, fairly positive. To save myself the effort of a U-turn, I didn’t even bother wasting any energy disliking the new colours this year. I just ordered them and will decide later if I like them. I had a hunch which ones would get used the most but, when creating my much-anticipated colour combinations, I began to see lots of possibilities. So watch this space for some interesting Mix It Up Mondays in the year ahead. 

And now, what you’ve been waiting for… this year’s In Color charts. This year, you get 50! Please pin, share, enjoy and, most of all, create!

Sit yourself down with a cup of tea because it’s that time of year again. The time to wave a fond farewell to five beloved friends, welcome in some new chums and see how they rub along with the rest of the gang. 

The new folks may take a little time to get to know, but I’m sure they’ll soon become as well loved as our good pals Mossy Meadow, Lost Lagoon, Blackberry Bliss and the other two. Sorry, that was a bit harsh on Hello Honey (although I prefer the dirtier shade of Delightful Dijon) but I can’t say I’ll be sorry to see the back of Tangelo Twist, can you?

But while they’re busy packing their bags and getting ready for the off, we can start preparing the the guest rooms for our five new visitors. They’ll be sticking around for the next two years so we’d better get used to them!

So it is my great pleasure to introduce you to… 

Dapper Denim: a casual chap, who will rub along happily with just about everyone. I think we’re going to get on just fine and we’ll be enjoying lots of outings together.

Emerald Envy: a slightly snooty lady, who is a little fussy about the company she keeps (but not as difficult to get along with as Cucumber Crush). 

Flirty Flamingo: the clue is in the name, this lady ain’t fussy. She’s like the old Martini ad: “any time, any place, any where”. Yep, she’s a tart, but I’m sure you’ll love her!

Peekaboo Peach: Seriously, who saddled this poor girl with that name? Stampin’ Up!® didn’t think of us demonstrators at all, did they? It’s like calling your cat “Bumfluff” and then burning with shame as it’s called across a packed vets’ waiting room. Anyway, despite her unfortunate name, Peekaboo Peach is definitely not as coy as she sounds. She’s remarkably versatile and will turn her hand to anything.

Sweet Sugarplum: I’m not sure I’m going to get on with this little lady. She may be all pretty pretty,  nicey nicey, but I have a feeling there’s a sting in her tail. You know the sort; a bit too smiley to be sincere? Anyway, I’m reserving judgment until I’ve had more experience of her. 

So far, fairly positive. To save myself the effort of a U-turn, I didn’t even bother wasting any energy disliking the new colours this year. I just ordered them and will decide later if I like them. I had a hunch which ones would get used the most but, when creating my much-anticipated colour combinations, I began to see lots of possibilities. So watch this space for some interesting Mix It Up Mondays in the year ahead. 

And now, what you’ve been waiting for… this year’s In Color charts. This year, you get 50! Please pin, share, enjoy and, most of all, create!


  1. I just love love love these. Thank you so much, for your selflessness, your dedication, your creativity and generosity, not to mention your inspiration. Thanks again.

    1. Aw, thanks Naomi - I'll take all of those apart from 'selflessness', as the charts do bring lots of traffic to my blog, which can't be a bad thing ;)

  2. These are great Helen. Thanks for the inspiration once again. I look forward to you putting together these creations this year. I do love your descriptions of the colours too. ;) Thanks again.

    1. You're welcome - hope you're inspired!

  3. Wonderful color combos...thank you for sharing! I absolutely LOVE your colorful description of each new In Color...too funny!

    1. Thanks, Lynn - glad you like them! :)

  4. Great combinations, thanks for doing the hard work for me. xx

    1. No problem - I enjoy finding new combos to inspire myself, and am just glad they inspire others too

  5. I love this. I have a hard time trying to figure which colors go best together. You are amazing. Thank you for sharing.

    1. You're welcome - glad you find them useful :)

  6. Great colors and I LOVE your blog post! You have a wonderful sense of humour and a flair for writing!

    1. Aw thanks, it's nice to write about fun stuff after the day job!

  7. These are awesome!! Found your blog from the stampin' up! main website. So glad to have another great blog to follow.

    1. Welcome to All Things Stampy! I'm so flattered that SU shared my post on Pinterest!

  8. Thank you so much for taking the time to make these charts. This is so very useful for me to. Without charts I have not an eye for color combinations.

  9. I love this! I actually use these to put together palettes for my online classes!


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